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Town of Newtown
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
August 18, 2009
Multi-purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT
PRESENT:  Chairman Robert Rau, Mitch Bolinsky, Wes Thompson, Don Sharpe, Ted Kreinik
                Liz Stocker, Director, Economic & Community Development
Public:  Robert Mitchell – Chairman, Public Building & Site Commission
1.       Call to order – Robert Rau called the meeting to order at 7:08pm
2.      Minutes of July 21, 2009 Meeting – Minutes approved as written.  All unanimous.
3.      Public Participation – Robert Mitchell – Chairman, Public Building & Site Commission and President of Mitchell Architectural Healthcare came to speak to the commission concerning the Tech Park and what characteristics potential high tech tenants might want in such a site.   Mr. Mitchell requested opinions from some of his clients concerning Tech Park and had positive feedback concerning the location, site amenities access and feel of Newtown.  He mentioned that this kind of site is sought after by high tech companies to set up campus-like headquarters/offices for their companies.  Campus- like buildings, including walking trails for employee breaks, alternative energy, and proximity to major highways are all positive points for site and potential tenants.  Companies as described could bring approximately 500-600 employees to the area.   The commission will continue contact with Mr. Mitchell to market the Tech Park on a national level.
4.      Reports
a.      Director, Economic & Community Development – Liz Stocker reported that the Sandy Hook Streetscape Project was supported by the Board of Selectman(BOS)at the 8/3/09 meeting to discuss the Capital Improvement Plan(CIP).  The BOS thought that considering the return on investment (public versus private investment in properties) that the project should be funded and moved to the 2010/2011 budget year.  The BOS will be prioritizing the CIP projects at the 8/24/09 meeting.  Ms. Stocker reported that an editorial for the fall preview for the New England Real Estate Journal is due in a couple of weeks.  A discussion of the Commission’s new approach to development/sale of the tech park can be highlighted in the copy and an ad designed to promote the plot for sale to go along with the editorial will be done.  Ms. Stocker reported that she attended the small business forum this morning that was hosted by Congressman Murphy.  She was happy to learn that Webster Bank, Connecticut’s premier small business lender, has not changed its lending criteria.  The problem appears to be that there are fewer small businesses willing to borrow during these uncertain times.  Ms. Stocker reported that she attended the Greater New Haven Commercial Industrial Realtors meeting this month and that networking with commercial brokers is very important to getting Newtown out in front of them.  The meeting set up involved three 30 minute round table discussions with lawyers, appraisers, CERC site finder and lenders.  It was a worthwhile meeting and she will try to attend more in the future.
b.      Sub Committee Reports
i.      Business Advocacy/Retention (Adsitt, Sharpe, Morey, Howard)
1.      Signage – Don Sharpe reported on signage issues.  As currently drafted, it does not look as though the Chamber requests will be granted.  Zoning board would like facts/figures from Chamber as to what the effects of Westport’s zoning leniency.  Chamber will discuss further progress at next meeting.  Mitch Bolinsky may be able to provide data research to help with this decision.  
2.      Discussion ensued over whether the EDC should provide/coordinate programs/seminars for business owners.  Co-sponsoring such activities was agreed upon without duplicating what other business advocacy groups are already doing.
ii.     Maximization of potential sites for Economic Development (LaMarche, Bolinsky, Sharpe, Kreinik) – Currently there are 38 potential open sites for economic development.    Fairfield Hills Woodbury Hall Vet Hospital is moving forward, along with the vet hospital there will be 8000-10000 square feet of available office space.  EPA clean-up of Stratford Hall & duplexes has begun.
iii.    Maintenance/Development Agriculture Businesses (Thompson, Morey, Howard) – Wes Thompson reporting.  Summary of monthly activities distributed.  Ordinance to permit seasonal Farmers Market, subject to permit, has been invited to set up at Town Hall.  It is Wes Thompsons understanding that this includes Town Hall and School locations.  Also, looking into possible use of St. Rose and/or other church properties.  W. Thompson visited several farms and plans to continue visits find out needs and opinions.  Also, Mr. Thompson will continue with Fall CT State matching grant requests.
iv.     Alternative Energy – Tech Park ( Kreinik, Bolinsky, Thompson) – Ted Kreinik reported that WSA & EDC will not be pursuing at Tech Park for solar fields at this point.  Within the Town, further movement has been put on hold by EDC due to the following issues: The town attorney has to reconcile the legal issues involved in placing solar panels probably owned by a private company (“a PPA”) on a single land parcel composed of two separate parcels assigned to TECH PARK and one assigned to WSA. In addition, issues of potential vandalism for ground mounted versus roof mounted solar panels have not been addressed. Also, direct access to those panels in the TECH PARK section has not been clarified by George Benson as P & Z enforcement officer. Also,  individuals involved in Town conservation and renewable energy efforts have stressed their reluctance to approve any solar panel installation program using “pristine land” when many commercial and institutional building roofs are available for such installations. Finally, initial discussions with PPA panel providers have stressed the current need for financial incentives or subsidies or low cost loans from either federal or state sources or the implementation of “feed in tariffs” such as recently enacted in Gainesville, Florida to provide incentives to private and or public solar energy efforts. No grants are being issued by the state to offset costs.  He also reported on a company that may be interested in “brown fields” to cap with concrete & put up panels.  This energy would hook into grid.  A few brown field sites were discussed and this option will be further researched.
v.      EDC Marketing (LaMarche, Adsitt, Thompson) EDC Website is moving ahead.  Presentation for website at September meeting with 2 designs to be considered.
5.      Old Business
a.      Tech Park – Mr. Rau and Ms. Stocker recognized potential clients & potential of site in meeting with Mr. Mitchell.  Focus of marketing will continue on Tech Park as one lot of land, campus environment, and large tech related parcel.
b.      Budget 2009
i.      Sub-committee expenses - Mr. Rau and Ms. Stocker will put together guidelines for submitting expenses by next meeting.  2009-2010 Budget - $31,500.  Motion to delay budget deliberations until more information from R. Rau and L. Stocker was made by Mitch Bolinsky.  Seconded by Ted Kreinik.  All in favor.  
ii.     Salute to Business byline was discussed at length.   Motion was made by Ted Kreinik to proceed with event, Salute to Business for 2009.  Motion was seconded by Mitch Bolinsky.  One sustained.  Motion approved.   Motion for Salute to Business to continue in the tradition of dinner event at Rock Ridge County Club was made by Mitch Bolinsky. Seconded by Ted Kreinik.  All in favor, motion passed.  Discussion over date and theme ensued.  Motion for Salute to Business to be themed as investing in the renewal of Newtown was made by Mitch Bolinsky.  Motion seconded by Ted Kreinik.  All in favor. Unanimously approved.  Ms. Stocker will check into available dates at chosen facility.
6.      New Business – no new business
7.      Adjournment - Motion was made by Mitch Bolinsky to adjourn.  Motion was seconded by Ted Kreinik.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 10:27pm.

Respectfully submitted by:
Julie Obre, Clerk